Abstract:This paper introduces the poverty target system in Liannan County, Guangdong Province which name is household- specific planning and facilitator- specific responsibility, short in Shuangdao. Shuangdao means targeting to the poor households, and delivering programmes based on their needs and character. In addition, each poor household has been tied with a responsible person who works under strict evaluation system. The“Shuang Dao”programme has effectively reduced Guangdong’s poverty ratio and multi- dimensional poverty, and largely germinated the poor households’income, self-sustainable development capacity as well as the governance capability of village management. This programme has also stimulated the rural economy. It becoming a good practice of reducing income gap in well economically developed regions, and bringing leading points for“Two Matches”policy which means combing Di Bao policy and poverty reduction programmes, dynamic poverty targeting, urban- rural resource mobility,“officials’ accountability”in poverty reduction programmes